Fellowship Event to Begin Next Week


As the newly renamed "Fellowship of Presbyterians" looks forward to its first conference this coming Thursday, speculation abounds concerning the effects and significance of this event. Paul Detterman of the Fellowship writes that four tiers will be available depending on the significance of the support for gay and lesbian ordination in a particular Presbytery, from tier 1 with no support to tier 4 with full and unchanging support. At the conference, each tier will engage in different meetings and strategies to change their Presbyteries or separate from them. The GA Junkie writes that this is likely to be the largest gathering of Presbyterians this year - not just in the PC(USA), but around the world. Only a PC(USA) General Assembly would be larger than the expected gathering of 1900 people. Despite the large crowd no votes will occur; only discussion, worship, and development. You can follow all of it with the official Twitter account or by using the hashtag #MN2011, or by following them on Facebook. [Presbyterian Outlook]


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